Project Objectives

Below, you will find a comprehensive overview detailing all the key objectives and goals of the project.

CONSENTIS will develop a set of solutions that will allow users to efficiently manage their identities, protect their privacy and provide informed consent for personal data operations that take place across different contexts and administrative domains. 

CONSENTIS will build a framework that can be adopted without the need to change existing systems, protocols and formats. This framework will orchestrate all CONSENTIS solutions (Obj 1) to allow users to manage and monitor the usage of personal data across different services and domains. 

CONSENTIS partners have been selected to form a consortium that brings together stakeholders who are involved in EU strategic initiatives for identity management, data economy, EU policies and regulations etc. These partners will (a) ensure that the project’s outcomes are aligned with these initiatives and regulations and (b) promote its innovations inside the appropriate groups, fora, standards etc.

For the CONSENTIS project it is essential to provide proven results that our solution can address critical issues of identity management and personal data sharing across diverse contexts and domains, while ensuring that the user is always in control and able to provide informed consent on all involved operations.

CONSENTIS work will take place under the prism of industry adaptation and will be constantly presented and communicated to relevant stakeholders like industry, EU strategic initiatives, policy makers, and research organizations.